
Heart Valve Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Heart valve disease is when one or more heart valves do not work correctly. The valves are responsible for keeping blood flow moving forward in one direction. They also prevent the backward flow of blood as it leaves each heart chamber. The four heart chambers include two upper chambers (atria) and two lower chambers (ventricles).…

Coronary Bypass Surgery: Ideal Candidates, Procedure and Recovery

The blood vessels that provide the heart with oxygen, nutrition, and energy are called coronary arteries. A serious narrowing or blockage of these arteries may result in a heart attack or other complications. Thus, it is crucial to maintain the heart’s blood supply. In these cases, coronary bypass surgery is performed. In this blog, we…

What You Need To Know About Heart Surgery Aftercare?

If you’ve been told that you’re a candidate for heart surgery, you’ve probably got a lot of questions. You’re undoubtedly wondering about life following surgery and how you’ll manage your recovery. Keeping in mind that everyone’s recovery is different, there are some common questions individuals have about the aftercare. In this blog, we will address…

What is Worse Heart Attack or Cardiac Arrest?

There is a widespread misconception that heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrest are similar, if not the same, conditions. However, because both are medical emergencies involving heart health, distinguishing between them is important. A blood clot typically blocks the heart’s blood supply during a heart attack, whereas an electrical failure causes the heart to stop…

8 Symptoms That May Mean One Needs a Pacemaker – Guide By Expert

The ideal heart rate for an adult ranges between 60 and 100 beats per minute, depending on the patient’s age and health. Usually, the lower the resting pulse, the better it is. However, a heart rate that is too slow can cause complications.  A slow heartbeat is the reason why one needs a pacemaker to…

When Heart Bypass Surgery is Recommended?

The most important role of the heart is to pump blood to all cells of the body, and the blood vessels offer a pathway for the blood to travel. The doctor might suggest heart bypass surgery if one or more arteries are damaged or partially obstructed. In this blog, Dr. Sujay Shad, a famous heart…

Heart Attack and Sudden Cardiac Arrest: The Differences

Imagine if one is out for dinner and suddenly a person sitting next to them clutches their chest and falls from the chair, collapsing to the ground. While many people will say the person suffered a heart attack, others might believe it to be a cardiac arrest. It’s common to use the terms “heart attack”…

Reasons for Undergoing CABG Surgery

Coronary artery bypass grafting is an open heart surgery that is performed to treat one or more blockages in the heart arteries that are responsible for supplying the heart muscles with oxygen-rich blood. If a heart artery gets blocked, it can cause chest pain or discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, dizziness,…

Effect Of Blood Pressure On Heart

The heart is the vital organ of the body and is responsible for pumping blood. But this functionality of the heart relies on a delicate balance of blood pressure to function optimally. Blood pressure, the force exerted by the circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels, plays a significant role in maintaining cardiovascular health.…


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